Chingu and React Native

Good morning world,

Today I'll start my 'Voyage' with Chingu. I only found out about Chingu a week or two ago through a friend -- a coder who has generously offered me help in the post-bootcamp spell since she has found success after doing the same. So I don't know a whole lot about it, but I'm excited. Starting today I'll be working with a team of designers and coders and a aproduct owner to design and build a new application. I completed a small group project at GA, but this will be my first time working at length, using agile methodology, and working with UX people. I'll let you know how it goes.

I've been laying off the job search a little bit (still applying talking to people, but not full-time). The reason being that I've decided to spend more time building a mobile app that I will get in the two ordained stores for apps.

Thing is, I've never made a mobile app. So I decided to learn React Native, and I've been buried in this course on Udemy by an instructor named Maximillian Schwarzmüller. The course is great so far and I really think I'll be able to do it. I like to think that if I design, build, and test an app, then get a small group of users help me, then deploy it and get beta testers, then do my best to market it and get some users whe I've never even met while maintaining and improving the app, how could anybody not hire me?

Just for fun I'll link to Chingu and the React Native course here, but I can't vouch for either of them yet.