Update on Chingu and React Native

My previous post was published right before starting a voyage with Chingu and before starting a thorough React Native course. This is just an update to on my experiences.

I highly recommend Chingu to new developers. I cannot recommend it enough. If you are fresh out of bootcamp or you've been out for a while and you're in a rut, it's terrific. I worked with strangers using Agile methodology with a scrum framework. Those words meant nothing to me before starting Chingu, but now I can talk about them with a little familiarity and confidence. The most remarkable things I took away from Chingu are these:

  • After working only with people in my bootcamp cohort, working with new people almost felt like speaking a new language. There is a LOT of variation in how an app can be structured and I was only taught one approach per stack.

Which leads nicely to the second point:

  • Communication is everything. Coming out of the food service industry, I was used to fast, efficient, and blunt communication. Developing software with a team means slow, clear, and even redundant communication, and it is a wonderful change.

As for the React Native course: it's awesome! It's thorough and clear and interesting. The teacher appears to be passionate about React Native and about keeping his students up to date. I also recommend it highly. I don't have as much to say about it because a Udemy course is not as eye-opening as the experience of working with a team that Chingu gave me.

I have begun work on my first mobile app and hope to have it on the Google Play store by the end of January. More on that next time.